Uses Around the World: Hemp

Utilised by many cultures throughout history, the cannabis plant has been documented to provide therapeutic properties all over the world. The first reported use of cannabis [verified by archaeological findings and evidence] was attributed to the Chinese Emperor III Shen Nung [ca. 2700 BCE]. Found in the publication [Shen-Nung Pen-Tsao Ching // Divine Husbandman's Materia Medica] were the uses and applications provided by the plant; including appetite stimulation, rheumatic pain, constipation.

[Egypt, ca 2350 BCE] It is reported that pyramid scriptures exhibit the plant as the "shemshemet plant" translating to "which ropes are made from."

[India, 800-300 BCE] It was reported in the Sushruta Samhita [a prominent medical journal cataloging more than 1000 illnesses and over 700 medicinal plants] that the use of cannabis is recommended for illness such as diarrhoea, catarrh & phlegm producing conditions of the chest. 




Summarised by JATAKA

'An introduction to the ethnopharmacology of Cannabis' report by
Justin Sinclair, NICM Health Research Institute. Western Sydney University
Image by Cornell Hemp, School Of Integrative Plant Science, Cross section of 57 day old stem.

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